+40 770 801 685
Flotila favorita a marinarilor!
North Sailing in colaborare cu NASC, pentru cel de-al patrulea an consecutiv organizeaza Bonus Miles Flotilla. In perioada 10 – 17.10 vom calatori din Portul Volos spre Insulele Sporade, Skyros, Ag. Stratis, Limnos, Samothraki si Thassos.
Flotilla este o croaziera sociala care ofera oportunitatea vizitarii si ancorarii in mici porturi care fac navigatia in Grecia atat de speciala, timp in care va veti dezvolta abillitatile de navigatori.
Anul acesta ne propunem sa oferim celor care participa o experienta bogata in navigatie si nautica. Traseul din acest an promite o mare emotie. Toate echipajele participante au posibilitatea sa participe activ, conducand, verificand hartile, si desfasurand actiuni necesare pentru o navigare sigura si rapida. Flotilla este un eveniment important pentru noi and in special pentru iubitorii de navigatie, mare si aventura.
Opririle si traseul flotei vor depinde, in principal, de conditiile meteo. La fiecare oprire are loc o intalnire a echipajului in care este analizata situatia meteo pentru stabilirea rutei in continuare. Scopul nostrum este sa folosim panzele cat mai mult posibil sis a adunam mile pentru inca un an.
Programul incepe in Keramoti, Sambata dimineata pe 10.10.2020. Urmeaza sa calatorim spre Volos cu autocarul, unde ne imbarcam si ne incepem calatoria. Scopul nostru este sa ajungem in Keramoti cel mai tarziu Sambata dimineata, 17.10.2020.
Acest program reprezinta sansa perfecta sa va bucurati de Grecia, ajungand in cele mai frumoase insula din Nordul Marii Egee.
Modalitate de participare:
The sailors’ favorite flotilla!
North Sailing in collaboration with NASC and for the fourth consecutive year organizes the Bonus Miles Flotilla. From 10th to 17th of October we travel from the port of Volos to Sporades, Skyros, Ai Stratis, Lemnos, Samothrace, Thassos.
Flotilla is a social cruise that gives you the opportunity to visit small harbors and moorings that make sailing in Greece so special, in order to practice and develop your sailing skills.
This year we aim to provide those who participate with a rich sailing and nautical experience. The route this year promises great excitement in itself. All crews have the opportunity to actively participate, steering, grinding sails, mapping routes and other actions required for safe and rapid navigation. The flotilla is a particularly important event for us and it’s especially for lovers of sailing, sea and adventure of their own.
Stops and the route of the flotillas will depend mainly on weather conditions. At each of our stops there is traditionally a crew meeting where the weather is mapped out and the cruise to be followed is analyzed. Our goal is to use the sails as longer as possible and gather miles for another year.
The program of the flotilla meeting to Keramoti early in the morning of Saturday 10/10/2020 to travel to Volos by bus. 10/10/2020 we will embark to the boats and start our trip. The target is to arrive to Keramoti the latest on Saturday morning 17/10/2020.
It is the perfect chance to enjoy sailing in greece, meet new islands in North Aegean
Ways of participation